Early Childhood

Ages 0 months - 5 years


Early years are critical to a child’s development; the first years of a child’s life have a tremendous impact on learning behaviour, coping skills and health throughout life.


The best early learning programs offer:

  • Highly skilled staff

  • Learning through play

  • Small play group sizes

  • Age appropriate learning activities and materials

  • A language rich environment

  • Warm relationship between children and staff

  • Strong participation by children

We are proud to offer this all in our Early Childhood Programs!

Un-Parented Programs

Our un-parented programs help children and their parents deal with separation anxiety and independence in a safe and caring early childhood setting. Children will experience an engaging environment with an abundance of hands-on activities.

Programs include:

  • Preschool

  • All About…

  • Discover & Learn

  • Just for Parents Childcare

  • And so much more!

Parented Programs

Parented programs are an excellent way to introduce children to activities outside of the home. Your child will get to know our staff and become comfortable in our learning centre, and stay reassured that mom or dad is still with them. Our “Playtime” drop-in program is a wonderful first step for social interaction in very young children.

Our parented programs are designed to enhance and enrich your child’s learning experience. Qualified instructors will mentor and provide creative activities in our learning centre during daytime courses, such as:

  • Little Chefs

  • Playtime

  • And many more

Interacting with your children has a lasting effect on their social, emotional, behavioural and cognitive development. Engaged parents lead to healthier, happier children!


Child & Youth (6-12)